I also checked online to see if there was a website were I could find a useful list but couldn’t find anything. I even turned to the Collectors books but in my opinion they are also very general and use the same “cartoon” pictures featured on Hasbro website.
So, I decided to dedicate a little time to put together a list that everyone can use to get organized and check what pets they already have in their collection. In this entry you will find authentic images of your favorite first 150 pets that were released by Hasbro. More pets to come and I hope you find it useful.

Pet # 10 - not available

Pet # 30 - white hamster - no photo available yet

Pet # 49 - not available

thanks soo much for doing this. My daughter and I too had trouble with the cartoon pics. This makes it sooo much easier. Thanks for taking your time to do this
Shannon And Adrian
My daughter throws her packages away and we have no way of knowing the correct number id? Any ideas?
Can you number your photos.
Thanks for taking your time to do this ! I also collect Littlest Pet Shop and I was trying to find out if any of my pets were in the top 150's. I throw away my packages so I don't know what # they are. I'm going to start my own LPS [Littlest Pet Shop] Log, meaning that when I get a new LPS pet, I will look at it's # and put them on the log, and then I will add a small hint to finding it easily. THANK-YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you, i've been hunting the internet trying to find out which pet shops my daughter and i have been collecting....
thank you thank you thank you
I have a littlest pet shop blog and I never know the numbers!
Wow most of mine were in the top 150.
There are a couple of other ways to find a picture of a single pet you are looking for. I use ebay. I search littlest pet shop # ___ or littlest pet shop cats...dogs... watever I am looking for. Then right click on the picture and save to my computer. I use the pet # as the picture name. Sounds like a lot of work but it's pretty easy when looking for 1 or 2 pets. Good luck.
MommaC30 has it right. I just started collecting and have about 200, I figure there is a couple thousand total with the list I have going. I use E-Bay and the real pictures on the Hasbro site. Right now on E-Bay there is a real picture of the #30 White Hamster With A Blanket!! You might want to copy and paste it until you get a better one? Making a complete list is a huge job, Good Luck!!
this is soo awesome, I have been sitting here for 6 hours trying to find out the number of each pet and post it in my diary. However I believe you have #107 mixed up with #109, the pink hat goes on the Jack Russel (kinda strange they look so much alike...
Thanks for doing this
And to think I played around with them and lost a bunch that were on this page-including the first picture posted. I feel like a fool now...
Are these indeed the FIRST 150 LPS, yes? Are they in order? Are the first two dogs at the top of the list, which I know come together, the very first new LPS to come out? Or did a bunch come out at the same time and you just put those ones on top?
I counted all of the pets and the lines that said that there was a pet missing and there are only 149. But don't worry, I know what pet is missing because I have it. It's the WHITE HORSE, it should be right after the BROWN HORSE, but it's not. Also, I don't know if you knew or were considering it as a pet or not, but there is a tiny little CATERPILLER, with no magnet that comes with the PURPLE BUTTERFLY. Just letting you and everyone else know :)
According to two listing on eBay the 10th LPS is a GOLD FISH in a TANK, and according to the list above the 9th LPS is a WHITE CAT, which comes with the fish. Here's a link from google to show you what it looks like (I didn't see a picture with just the fish in it.) I hope this link works for you or you can just search the fish yourself :)
you can idenfy your littlest pet shop pet code here http://www.toystable.com/WebStore/index.php?categoryID=541&offset=36
you can find your littlest pet shop code http://www.toystable.com/WebStore/index.php?categoryID=541&offset=36
check that blog! it has sooo many numbers (without cartoons!)
Erm... Number 79 is wrong. It is actually a golden cocker spainel with a white body
I know that cuz I have it.
i had the golden retriever, if you click on the image it says the number. it is number 20.
I couldn't fine a mini pinscher littlest pet. Do they have it?
I have number one with a green collar and I don't know what its worth
Hi. I have one that I can’t seem to find online or it’s value. I was wondering if you can help me.:)
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