Hasbro offers a free, interactive online website were kids ages four and up and all LPS affectionates can find interesting LITTLEST PET SHOP fun activities including games, videos, e-cards, coloring pages, comics, downloads and more! Check at the following links and have fun.
For large collection of very cute online printable coloring pages of Littlest Pets click here. For more coloring pages click here, here, here, here and here.
To add LPS Wallpapers of your favorite pet to any desktop by clicking here.
To add LPS IM Icons to instant message chats click here.
To send your friends an adorable pet greeting e-cards click here.
To try the Line-Up Game click here … all you need to do while playing is to line up three pets in a row.
Littlest Pet Shop toys collection include a variety of products such as Portable Pets, Pet Pairs, Pet Playsets, Books, Games, Puzzles, Plush Toys, Digital Pets, Teeniest Tiniest Pet Shop Sets and others that will allow tons of little pet adventures! Collect them all.
Alternatively you can find LPS pets at your neighborhood stores. Click here to find the individual store location nearest you: Wal*mart, Toys R Us, Target, Kmart, K B Toys, Boscov’s, Meijer, Kohl’s, Limitedtoo, Dollar General, TJ Max, Fred Meyer, Walgreens, Shopko and many others stores.
Please look around for the best price before you buy because there are always ways to save big and product selection, availability, and pricing may vary by retailer.
other good sources are http://www.buylittlestpetshop.com/; www.littlestpetshopstore.net and http://www.toywiz.com/lipetsh.html
Scholastic, Inc. offers collectors several volumes of scrapbook-style sticker books that are a must-have for every Littlest Pet Shop fan. They allow keep track of which pets have already been collected by placing the stickers in the proper place and at the same time offer the possibility to record each pet's name, date of adoption, talents, likes, and dislikes.
Littlest Pet Shop: Official Collector's Sticker Book, Volume 1
This collector's sticker book is a must-have for every Littlest Pet Shop fan. Comes with stickers of 50+ pets! Publisher: Scholastic, Inc. / Publication date: September 2006 / ISBN-13: 9780439887786 / Age Range: 7 to 10 / 32pp
Littlest Pet Shop: The Official Collector's Sticker Book, Volume 2
This follow-up to the Official Collector's Sticker Book (Volume One) features the second round of pets. Girls will love keeping track of which pets they've already collected by placing the stickers in the scrapbook-style book and recording each pet's name, date of adoption, talents, likes, and dislikes. Publisher: Scholastic, Inc. / Publication date: February 2007 / ISBN-13: 9780439897549 / Age Range: 7 to 10 / 32pp
Littlest Pet Shop: Official Collector's Sticker Book, Volume 3
The third volume of The Official Collector's Sticker Book, this book contains stickers of 78 brand-new pets! Publisher: Scholastic, Inc. / Publication date: January 2008 / ISBN-13: 9780545007948 / Age Range: 7 to 10 / 32pp
Littlest Pet Shop is a toy product by Hasbro that developed into an animated television series from Sunbow Productions and Creativite et Developpement that debuted in 1995. It follows the lives of a group of five miniature animals, each about the size of a rat. They live in a pet shop on Littlest Lane and have their own treehouse inside of the store. They go on all sorts of adventures together, sometimes involving other miniature animals. The toys each have their own little magnet on one of their front paws that will go on any magnetic object.
Littlest Pet Shop was a popular line of
All the various sets produced can be seen at The Littlest Pet Shop Guide. In 2005, toy designer Gayle Middleton redesigned Littlest Pet Shop toy line for Hasbro bringing a fresh new look which has made it one of Hasbro's most successful Girl's Division line-ups. Since then sales of the Littlest Pet Shop line, market as being a collection of inch-tall kittens, puppies, hamsters, and turtles that inhabit a pet store, have soared from $60 million to $600 million in five years. That represented that Hasbro has sold more than 60 million of the figures at roughly $4 a piece.
In redesigning Littlest Pet Shop, Sharon John, head of Hasbro's girls' division group decided to mix the modern with the traditional. They gave the animals the big, vulnerable eyes made popular by Japanese animators. They toned down the pink packaging and went with more contemporary purple and green. But they kept the figures the same size as before—much smaller than most dolls—knowing girls like to collect and carry little things.
Then that group applied a few time-tested lessons from boys' action figures. The company created more than 300 versions of the animals, changing them every few months to keep kids interested. And for the holiday season there's Littlest Pet Shop bobble heads ($4), electronic diaries ($19), and plug-'n'-play TV games ($25).
Now comes the digital strategy—which will sound familiar to those who know about Webkinz (below). Hasbro has started selling what it calls Virtual Interactive Pets on its Web site and those of a few retailers. The bigger, $15 dolls come with a secret code that unlocks an online world where kids can create virtual pets and play games. Hasbro hopes the new line, which goes national in February 2008, will draw in girls older than eight.
Sometime later in 2008, Hasbro, through a relationship with video-game maker Electronic Arts (ERTS), will introduce Littlest Pet Shop games for Nintendo's (NTDOY) handheld DS and Wii game platforms. Maybe then boys will want to play, too.
Toward the end of the Littlest Pet shop production, the line began to branch out into even more diverse sets:
Littlest pet shop- Get better center included a lizard dog and cat. The cat drinks the bottle of milk when you put it on the lips. When you rub the lizards spots they turn invisible the dog is just plain.
The first set of pets-to-go were re-painted and re-released as "different" pets later in the lifespan of the 90s LPS.
Littlest Pet Shop 'VIPs' (Virtual Interactive Pets) were released in 2007 on the 12th of August. The "cuddliest pets on the net" enable tween girls to visit an online world with their adorable Littlest Pet Shop VIP toy. By finding the "secret code" hidden in the toy's collar, the girls can access a virtual land where they can play games, decorate their house and purchase clothes for their VIP pet using the currency of "kibble" points. It is a profitable new way to let girls see the Littlest Pet Shop world through their toy pet's eyes. RRP is $18.95, approximately.